John Hopkins A’28

John Hopkins

Mate #228

Hometown: York, Maine

Pronouns: he/him/his

Major: Physics

Arrangements: still feel., Night Changes

John Hopkins from York, Maine is currently a physics major at Tufts and is loving it so much. In addition to his lifelong passion for math and science, music has become a much newer and highly welcome passion in his life as well.

While he’d always enjoyed listening to tons of music throughout his life, he didn’t start really singing until his junior year of high school, and then sung in his school’s chamber choir through his senior year. There, he not only realized just how fun singing with other people can be, but also how much of a sense of community it brings. At the same time, John also fell in love with theater and two went hand in hand for the second half of high school. (Playing the tin-man in the Wizard of Oz and Shakespeare in Something Rotten were unforgettable experiences). While music is definitely a much newer part of John’s life than most others around him in this group, he’s very excited to have found his way into such a spectacular and caring group of people.

In his free time, he likes to play piano (poorly), and puts way too much effort into being good at competitive Scrabble, where he currently ranks top ~100 in North America and hopes to continue playing more. He’s worked as a waiter at a few restaurants over the past few years and has had a love/hate relationship with it, but loves meeting and waiting on people from all walks of life.

He can’t emphasize how honored he is to be surrounded by such a talented group of musicians, and also such genuine human beings. Thank you Mates!!!