Jake McPherson A’27

Jake McPherson

Mate #224

Hometown: Newton, MA

Pronouns: he/him/his

Solos: still feel.

Arrangements: Runaway Baby, Hammer To The Heart

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Jake’s musical journey began at the ripe age of 3 where he was found walking around naked playing the large drum around his neck. It continued when he took piano and guitar lessons, with a brief foray into clarinet and violin. In high school, he found out that teachers will occasionally let you write and perform songs instead of writing essays, so he got some practice with writing parodies and lyrics. He also took part in his high school theater program, Southstage (not a cult), both onstage and backstage. One of his favorite moments was getting to wear a fake mustache as Teddy Roosevelt in Newsies™. 

Jake began taking singing seriously at the late age of 15, so he could better accompany himself on the piano or guitar. He’s been interested in a cappella since then, but hasn’t had the chance to find people with the same passion for singing, until now! 

In addition to the ‘mates, he’s very excited to be studying Mechanical Engineering, the same as Ani! In an ideal world he’d also like to double minor in Music Production and Engineering Management; As they say, shoot for the moon to land on the stars.